Construction Health & Safety at SLBC Ltd
Prioritising Construction Health and Safety for us a bricklaying contractor is one of the most important elements of running our business successfully. The construction industry is multifaceted with many trades working together on site every day. As such, health and safety training and upskilling become paramount to every day business operations. Within the construction industry, there are many bodies which govern subcontractors and principal contractors to ensure they are prioritising health and safety, the main being the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) who are the enforcing authority within the construction industry.
Additionally, there are CHAS & SMAS accreditations which are gained by businesses within the construction industry. A CHAS accreditation is a type of SSIP (safety scheme in procurement) certificate which can be used to demonstrate a company’s health & safety practices. The SMAS (Safety Management Advisory Services) certification is another accreditation within the construction industry which can help in making a construction firm more attractive to potential clients.
We are extremely proud of our accreditations from CHAS & SMAS. These accreditations ensure our business is tackling contemporary issues within the workplace and issues which are relative to the construction industry. CHAS Premium Plus is an accreditation that our business prioritises and is far more than a certificate on our wall, this accreditation places a substantial emphasis on our business to prioritise health and safety and is only achieved by companies who are able to demonstrate that their commitments to health and safety are beyond the basic level.
The health and safety of our employees and subcontractors will always be paramount to our priorities here at SLBC Ltd; more so now than ever due to the recent Coronavirus Pandemic. However, the CHAS Premium Plus certification ensures that SLBC Ltd is not only prioritising health, safety and welfare but other extremely important and contemporary issues which are relevant to the construction and wider industries including:
Health & Safety
Environmental Issues
Quality Management
Equal Ops & Diversity
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Modern Slavery

Recently, SLBC Ltd also took the decision to join the Atlas Citation Platform. Atlas Citation is a cloud-management system which transforms businesses operations through the integration of technology as a means of streamlining and enhancing our construction Health and Safety & HR departments. We are now using the Atlas Citation Platform to administer all construction-related training and upskilling, health and safety training courses, logging holidays and absences, and keeping track of all health and safety-related documentation in one place.
At SLBC Ltd, we have staff of all levels; from fully qualified tradesmen to apprentices. As such, Atlas has helped us to do all of the above in the most streamlined and effective way, staff of every level can access distributed training modules at any time and from any place. We believe this is greatly beneficial to all our staff, but even more so for our clients who are sent an SLBC Atlas training matrix showing potential clients at a glance our workforce’s training, accreditations and qualifications.
Ultimately, we can say with confidence that SLBC Ltd is going over and above to ensure construction health and safety, and welfare are prioritised, whilst we mitigate construction health and safety risks.